Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Can See the Summer From Here

You can see the Summer from Here

Published as a Sunday ViewPoints Cover Buffalo News May 2012

Emerging visions of Buffalo’s outer harbor could transform our region into a sustainable 21st century powerhouse.

By Jay Burney

Kayakers on the Buffalo River near Grain Elevator Canyon

In just a few short days, Memorial Day weekend will be upon us and Western New Yorkers will once again joyously leap across the threshold into another magnificent summer season.
As we break out the bathing suits and sandals and lather up with suntan lotion, we have plenty of reason to head on down to the emerging and boisterous Buffalo waterfront. Public access and engagement has quickly become one of our most profound connections to the season, our mixed cultures, and to the spectacular sweet water seas that help characterize our area as a global level paradise.

Now is a great time for each of us to think about the real value of outer harbor development.   What we do here, and who does it will significantly impact the very consequential futures of our regional economy, environment, and quality of life.

Planning and development strategies are now moving into final stages at various levels of government.  Decades of work ranging from the long defunct Horizons Commission to the very alive City of Buffalo Comprehensive Plan, Queen City Hub, the Queen City Waterfront, and the very exciting new City of Buffalo Green Code focusing on unified form based zoning, are going to create and enforce policy level decisions about what and how we decide to take advantage of what many agree is our most valuable public asset.

Of great consequence and designed to inform the Green Code, a partnership formed by the City of Buffalo, New York State, the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation, and the Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper has focused on three Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOA) in the city. One is the Buffalo Harbor BOA which includes the outer harbor.

This area is considered a brownfield because of the legacy of generations of pollution from industry and urban impacts. The BOA program is designed to help return dormant brownfield sites back to productive use and environmental quality. The partners emphasize that the BOA process will contribute to the city’s revitalization. Once completed the land use and built form components of the study will be included in the City’s Green Code.

What is the opportunity for the region?
Our waterfront that comprise parts of Lake Erie, The Buffalo River, and the Niagara River, are uniquely situated on one of the planets most consequential and valuable natural resources.
-The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater system on earth. Together they hold more than 20% of the world’s fresh surface water. 

-According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 90% of the U.S. supply of fresh water comes from the Great Lakes.

Clean water is a basic sustainability issue that we must find ways to protect and restore if future generations are going to have a sustainable quality of life.  Recognizing this, and working to help to educate about this resource, is a huge step toward global stewardship and leadership. This is part of our opportunity.

The Spirit of Buffalo near the entrance to the Buffalo Harbor

Kate Mini Hilliman of Buffalo Urban Outdoor Education, which has engaged thousands of the region's youth in Great Lakes learning on the iconic tall ship “Spirit of Buffalo”, says that the water is one of our most valuable assets and probably one of our most misunderstood and undervalued assets.

“We live in a city where many people have never actually been on the water, especially children. Every day during the spring and summer we bring kids from the urban environment out into the lake. They are usually pretty apprehensive before we cast off at the Central Wharf, but by the time we hit the Buffalo Lighthouse they are looking back at the beautiful city with amazement and wonder. During our program they make positive connections to the lake and begin to understand the biology and geography in ways that will influence them for the rest of their lives.” 

That is a consequential connection. In a city that lost its connectivity to the water with the building of the I-190, its important to bring both old and young generations back to the waters edge and out into the sweet waters of the Niagara River and Lake Erie. This is our future.
It is not lost on some of our most outspoken political representatives that have strong beliefs that appropriate waterfront development will characterize our future.

Congressman Brian Higgins who has focused much of his Congressional career on Buffalo’s outer harbor and brought hundreds of millions of dollars into play here, says that the waterfront defines our region. “People from all over, Ellicottville, Williamsville, Amherst are as excited about what happens here as are the city residents.  We are at a game changing moment.  And the good news is that our local progress is unified in ways that we have not seen in the past 75 years of visioning.  What we decide now, and how we invest will guide our future economic opportunities and our potential for jobs growth and will help us create the kind of city we want for the 21st century”.

NYS 144th District Assemblyman Sean Ryan recently authored important legislation making the Buffalo River an eligible water body for Local Waterfront Revitalization Program funding. This could mean millions of dollars to the waterfront.  He is concerned about the NFTA ownership of waterfront properties and wants them to divest themselves of property so that they can focus just on the mission of public transportation. He suggests that there are other state agencies that need to take the waterfront lead, but cautions that there are not enough public voices making decisions. “We need more public representation and engagement on the Board of Directors of the ECHDC and not just established decision makers that represent private interests,” he told us. This land is valuable but only after significant public investment. We should make sure that development promotes public access and not just a privatization of public resources made marketable by public investments.”

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and a vocal advocate of an ecologically healthy Great Lakes. She knows the impact of clean water on our regional economy. She believes that substantial Washington resources such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative can directly benefit our region.

Jill Spisiak Jedlicka, Director of Ecological Programs at Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper says that Riverkeeper has brought millions of dollars towards revitalizing Buffalo’s waterfront.  Jedlika says that maintaining public access is fundamental. She says that appropriate economic development that respects ecology is important and that an appropriate mix of uses can be targeted for the outer harbor.  Economic health and environmental health go hand in hand” she told us.

Conservation and Economic Development-Recreation, Tourism, Education
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council the annual percentage of world GDP based on tourism was 9.3% in 2010 and growing at almost 5% per year.   In 2011 its impacts translated to $6.3 trillion in GDP,  and 255 million jobs (1 in 12). This makes tourism the worlds largest industry.  According to the World Trade Organization, ecotourism and nature based tourism is the fastest growing sector with heritage tourism right behind. Tourism in the Greater Niagara region is a $2 billion annual industry supporting over 40,000 jobs. We can build on that. Eco and heritage tourism could be this regions future. These are the greenest of green jobs and if developed here, could mark a permanent upturn in our economic and ecological health.

National Marine Sanctuary
When Sylvia Earle, a former Chief Scientist at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric (NOAA) and current Explorer in Residence at the National Geographic Society came to Buffalo a few years back, I asked her about conservation and economic development strategies for the Great Lakes. She told me, “you should think about a marine sanctuary.”

Currently NOAA administers 14 National Marine Sanctuaries in diverse locations from Hawaii, Alaska, and Washington State to the Florida Keys.  Marine Sanctuaries are designed to promote conservation while allowing compatible commercial and recreational activities. There is only one NOAA designated Marine Sanctuary in the Great Lakes and that is in Thunder Bay in Lake Huron. This sanctuary has been an economic powerhouse for the region and it is currently exploring ways to expand.

Why Not a Lake Erie Niagara River National Marine Sanctuary?
We have world-class biodiversity here including the Niagara River Corridor “globally significant” Important Bird Area recognized because of both the diversity and threats to migrating birds, fish, and other wildlife. We have marine access heritage sites offshore and onshore including our grain elevators, the underground railroad, early harbor, First People, and War of 1812 that help to tell the story of America.

Our marine sanctuary should include portions of Lake Erie, the Niagara River, and the Buffalo River, which is newly recognized as eligible for state Local Waterfront Revitalization funding thanks to Assemblyman Ryan’s legislation. Other funding sources could include the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and appropriate private investment that protects open space on the waterfront and prevents urban sprawl.  Clearly how we develop our onshore and offshore outer harbor will be key to investing in a consequential recreation and tourism economy.

Imagine building an economic plan around conservation, tourism and recreation.   World class bird watching, recreational fishing, boating, kayaking, sailing, and all of the service contexts including tours, service liveries and amenities that would come with this kind of plan can characterize our 21st century region. Take this a step further- Imagine a vision of a Woods Hole type research and education center focused on sustainable Great Lakes waters.  Imagine our local colleges and universities tying in to make our region a leader in Great lakes sustainability. Imagine all of this as our future! If we work together, we can make our future as bright as the rising sun.
Proposed National Marine Sanctuary

Times Beach Nature Preserve in downtown Buffalo

( Set out)
Buffalo Harbor BOA Principles  provided by Urban Strategies, Inc. –Buffalo BOA Consultants      http://buffalobrownfieldopportunities.com/
The following emerging principles were presented to the break-out groups for their consideration:

1.            Seek to better integrate the Waterfront and Harbor area into the Downtown experience. Make these areas an extension of the Downtown.

2.            Expand efforts to harness the unique economic, cultural and recreational opportunities provided by the Waterfront. Use the amenity of the water as a catalyst for positive change.

3.            Continue to work to animate the Waterfront year around through a program of events, recreation and culture.

4.            Make it a place that people want to come to and where there are things to do and see.

5.            Protect and celebrate the waterfront as a working waterfront. Balance interests.

6.            Work to remediate and restore the health of the Waterfront: Clean, Green and Beautiful.

7.            Work to improve accessibility to the Waterfront and make it a truly public space for all to enjoy.

8.            Make the waterfront a public space for all ages and abilities to enjoy.2

9.            Plan Waterfront Growth Smartly

There was general consensus on the emerging principles. There were, however, additional priorities the community wished to be added to the list, including:

-emphasizing Buffalo Harbor BOAs role in both the City and Regional context;

-recognizing the Harbor’s ecological significance;

-the need to include sustainability and environmental performance as a part of the BOAs future;

-ensure that the waterfront is usable year around – winter and summer;
-recognize the industrial legacy of the waterfront;
-and keep the waterfront and access to the water public.

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